Who are you?
Pelion Baptist Church is a small town, community oriented church spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ in Southwest Lexington County.
What is your church's affiliation?
We are a cooperating Southern Baptist Church (SBC) affiliated with the South Carolina Baptist Convention (SCBC) and the Lexington Baptist Association (LBA). Pelion Baptist Church is also a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation incorporated with the State of South Carolina.
What does your church believe?
Our doctrinal statement of faith is the 2000 Baptist Faith & Message. This document can be accessed through our "Links" page. We have corporate documents, such as a Constitution & Bylaws, to govern the business affairs of the church, but our ultimate source of authority is the Holy Bible. We believe the Bible to be the unchanging, inspired, "breathed," Word of God and is absolute truth without error and is our guide for daily living. We believe that all human beings have sinned and fall short of God's perefect plan for their lives. We cannot fix this ourselves no matter how hard we try. Our only hope for forgiveness, restoration, a meaningful and purposeful life, and hope of life after death is through a personal relationship with God's Son - Jesus Christ.
What do you have for my kids?
Our mid-week student activities include Bible Investigators - a Bible Club for elementary-aged children. We also offer age-appropriate Sunday School classes on Sunday mornings.
How can I get involved?
The best way to get involved in church is through a small group, such as a Sunday School class. We have Sunday School classes for all ages. By being part of a Sunday School class you will study the Bible while enjoying the fellowship and support of other Christians.
Why should I join the church?
The church is the Body of Christ and is made up of "members" just as our physical body is. Each member is an important and vital part of that Body and is necessary for its total and proper function. Christians should want to be with other Christians as part of the Family of God. The first step in becoming a church member is to enter into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and making that decision public through believer's baptism.
How do I get baptized?
We do not practice infant baptism but believe in what is known as "believer's baptism" by total immersion. A person must first have a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. This is done by confessing & repenting of ones sins, trusting your life and eternal destiny to the sacrificial work and person of Jesus Christ and surrendering to follow & serve Him as your Lord for the rest of your life. This is also referred to in the Bible as being "born again" (John chapter 3). Baptism is a public profession (as an outward sign) of having made that commitment to Jesus Christ and being "born again." For a better understanding of how to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, please view the video, "The BRIDGE," found on our "Links." page.
Who do I talk to if I have a question?
The best person to talk to if you have questions is the Pastor; especially if you have questions about baptism and church membership. The Pastor can be contacted through the "Contact Us" page of this web site, or through the contact information (phone number and email) in the church's Sunday bulletin. Or you can speak to the Pastor personally at any of our church services.